Meet Yulonda

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Biblical and Psychological Approaches
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My Personal Journey

Hi my Loves! 

I am Yulonda Shearon. Thank you for taking the time to find out a bit more about me. I am a mother, a widow, Life Coach, blogger, counselor, writer, speaker, consultant, and businesswoman, and while I am blessed with these accomplishments there is so much more to me and my heart. 

I am a mother who will awaken her daughter at two o’clock in the morning to see the first flakes of snow that hit the ground just because beautiful memories are the whimsies of life. I am also a woman who dances in the mirror at two o’clock in the morning just to feel joy and stir the spirit of the Lord. On the other hand, I am a widow who has felt the depths of sadness after losing her husband, but I am also the same widow who has clawed her way back to life after it happened. So, I know joy and I know sadness and I have felt all the other feelings in-between. 

My husband and I were now ready to start our family. With much excitement, I announced that I was pregnant. Three months into the pregnancy, I suffered a miscarriage. I was devastated and heartbroken. As with every trying moment in my life, I leaned on Gods grace, and with faith, I prayed he would grace me with another child. It took quite some time, with everyone saying, pray, it will happen. And you know what? eventually, it did! I was ecstatic. Life was finally back on track, unfortunately, this bliss was quickly upended. A few weeks later my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It was difficult being a full-time student while my husband was going through such a difficult time. So, I withdrew from my graduate program to take care of my husband and be with my family. Sadly, he passed away when our daughter was only nine months old. I was shattered. I didn't know how to do life anymore. My dreams, I thought at the time died with him. I grieved. My emotions were like a rollercoaster, and my faith was low. I decided to see a counselor. I also went to church. I was searching for healing at both places, and while therapy and church were helpful, I needed much more. I wanted to live life fully, spiritually whole and with purpose, but I yearned for emotional and spiritual healing. I didn't want to just talk and pray about my grief as I had done in therapy and church. I desired much more. I wanted practical steps to seize my healing. I started praying and reading the Holy Bible differently than I had done in the past. Not just for encouragement and inspiration, but it gave me so much more wisdom, that I immediately began to apply to my life. During this time, I also embarked on a journey to conquer any negative thoughts and feelings. I began to use what I had learned from my psychology studies, about the human mind and emotions, to help me overcome my grief and negative thoughts. Prayer, the Holy Bible, and psychology were so effective at validating my experience and nurturing my growth, that I created practical steps for myself, and it brought me a lot closer to my healing. With each step, I clawed my way back to life, happiness, love, and joy. I had finally got exactly what I yearned for, emotional and spiritual healing. People started noticing and applauded the change they saw in me. I was lighter, I felt freer, more joyful and healed. They wanted to know how I did it. I explained and testified about my process of healing. Mindful of my experience, they began to recommend that their friends contact me for encouragement through their turmoil and distress. I started ministering to them and provided them with the same steps I had created for myself. This became a frequent occurrence. Funnily enough, my first client was by happenstance. Like many others, she was referred by a friend. As I had done with many others, I coached her through her difficult time.  However, this time, I not only offered her the steps I had created using biblical and psychological principles, but I implemented some other tools that were based on her individualized needs and circumstances. She found the process so valuable, that she as well, wanted to refer others to me. From that day forward, when anyone contacted me to help them through their process, I would follow the same approach to coaching them as I did with her.  Currently, I have coached many people who are empowered by my approach to healing and getting through distress. Once I realized that I could inspire countless others who are searching for healing by my journey and actionable steps, a new and fulfilling life purpose was now revealed to me. Yulonda Shearon Life Success Coaching & Consulting (YSLSC&C) was born! It was created to meet the needs of those searching for emotional healing, utilizing lessons from the Holy Bible coupled with psychological principles as a practical means of getting there. It is not only a business but a bonafide ministry that heals and supports others through their journey in life as well.

A pivotal part of my journey started years ago. I got married young and then became a widow young. So that fast tracked my life experiences. While at one point it felt like those experiences were going to break me, it eventually uncovered a beautiful journey that revealed a surprising empathic connection to people and their challenges. It gave me a multifaceted perspective of issues facing people, but women and relationships in particular. Having been married 8 years, I had an understanding of the life changes and struggles of marriage including growing pains, trying to conceive, maintaining the “spark,” submission/head of household, and parenting, as well as relationship changes due to the terminal illness of a spouse. Also, widowhood opened my understanding of living life as an unmarried woman in her 30s, and as a by-product it ushered me into a different perspective of dating. Furthermore, the trajectory of my life gave me a similar vantage point of single mothers, and a group I oddly relate to now is women fresh out of college or transitioning into their career because that is exactly what I am doing. 

Although, all of my life experiences have come with much struggle, tears (so many tears), fears, and pains, I refused to be defeated by it, and as a result God allowed me to overcome every challenge. He anointed me for these lessons and equipped me with the tools for success and joy, and I just want to be the vessel that shares that with others. So, I dare not keep what I have gained to myself, when I know others who are faced with similar challenges deserve the same joy and success as well. That’s why I have dedicated my career to helping others, pouring everything God has placed into me into others. 

I started out writing my blog, sharing intimate details about my loss. I realized those raw emotions validated the experiences and feelings of others, and that somehow opened up another realm of helping people through my coaching business Yulonda Shearon Life Success Coaching & Consulting and different speaking engagements from college groups to women’s conferences. I have had an amazing journey thus far and I’m honored to continue this journey with you my loves. I have been humbled by the outpouring of love I have received and there’s so much more to come that I would love to share with you in the future but until then...

See you on the journey!

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